Welcome to PetKare Animal Sanctuary

We define sanctuary as a place where an animal comes to live and thrive until it passes. Our residents are rescued, abandoned and/or relinquished animals.  We do not foster or re-home them due to the complex and expensive care they require. K is an experienced, compassionate veterinarian whose primary task is to provide the required medical care. P is a writer who keeps things running on a day to day basis.

Your support of PetKare goes to the daily requirements of food, water, litter and cleaning supplies and to the specific medical needs of the individual animals you meet below. We will direct your donation to the individual cat if you wish. We are grateful you have chosen to assist us in this sanctuary mission.

PetKare provides general and medical care to companion animals in a sanctuary setting.

We are grateful for your help!

Registered charitable number 74082 3216 RR0001

Our Special Needs Residents


As snow fell, a car door opened, people tossed me out and sped away. My option seemed to move up the driveway in front of me. K and P named me for the dance I did, although I don’t recall the moves. Here I met a special cat friend which was joyous. Grief struck hard when she died; K said my immune system crashed; I had FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). That might have ended my life yet K started an antiviral treatment (GS441524). It works! At $1000.00 per month. I think it is costly, however, K and P say I’m worth it. I enjoy being the Sanctuary’s pride and joy. In remission now, I feel good again! Hugs.


RIP. You are missed!


At about a year old, I am the baby of the group. Escaping from where I was, I came to the sanctuary on a cold night. K says my immune system is a mess. Because of a virus, I run a fever periodically. Medicine keeps me feeling well. So far, So good!

P.S. I got really sick recently, but K started me on that $1000/month antiviral medicine that Minuet takes. It works and we are all happy!

Rocky Balboa

I am not a physical fighter, but I don’t give up. Chronic sinus problems from lack of dental care at my former place means discomfort for me. I became very ill, almost lost an eye and died but K and P don’t give up either…I take long term medicine, feel well now and spend happy times with my friends here at the Sanctuary.


Turkish Angora is my breed which makes me physically beautiful. K’s friend found me abandoned in a field with my brother. Before the rescue he left which added to my emotional scars. I find it hard to trust. Homeopathics help with that. The stomach ulcer responds to diet and medication. K and P keep me calm and safe.. Thanks for helping!

Dahlia Daylily

K and P named me after the flowers blooming along the driveway as they raced me to the sanctuary after finding me in the middle of a highway. They had stopped to retrieve my body, however, my tail moved and K saw me blink. My guess is a car had hit me. Recovery came with time and attention yet arthritis developed from those injuries. A monthly injection allows me to feel like my former self. Purrs and meows.


I am Sal. In another life, I think I was a dog as I struggle to understand a cat’s lifestyle. K refers to me lovingly as a bull in a china shop. Arriving on the windowsill in a snowstorm, I hurt my hindleg. Monthly injections for the osteoarthritis pain help me to feel better most of the time. There are, however, times when I tweak the injury chasing a cat which earns me a timeout. Perhaps a dog next time around. Ciao for now

Rusty Mac

My human didn’t want me anymore so I came here with neglected teeth. Add polyps in my mouth and nose which create pain. With long term medicine, I am better yet I still suffer. K works on me four times a day. She says it is a labour of love. Cheers to you!

Handsome Rob

I wandered a neighbourhood in sub zero temperatures until someone let me in. Knowing K, they called to see if there was room. Here I did fine until an upper respiratory virus sickened me. Stress will do that, so I have heard from K. Recovering from that, IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome) developed which diet and medicine help to keep me well. I am happy now!


I have been here awhile because I have many problems. K thinks I am on my eleventh life.. I am diabetic, prone to urinary tract infections and have IBS. Insulin twice a day, antibiotics and a special diet maintain my health. A few months ago, I almost died during my tenth life, but I returned for eleven with K and P’s care. I hope to stay on eleven for an extended time. K and I are not anxious to try for twelve. Hugs!


I am here because of dental work gone wrong.. My mouth hurt and I needed longer term care than my former humans could give. I am very shy even though I am a large boy. Homeopathics keep me calm and medicine keeps me pain free and happy.


I am the one with big feet. My polydactyl condition (extra toes) gives me the advantage when I pounce on unsuspecting housemates. Shortly after we arrived here, I had what K calls a serious asthma attack. I almost died and for a while I thought about going to be with my human mom who I missed so much, however, K convinced me to stay here with Ollie, Roobee, her and P.

I am much better now, but it is still fun to attack sleeping bodies on occasion.



I am 19 and a lilac point Siamese. K says I am very handsome, even though I have a misshapen ear from a bout of ear mites years ago. The transition here was really hard for me. I missed Mom terribly, however, I see my sister and brother, eat lots of good food and receive lots of love from K and P. 

I feel peaceful.



I am Roobee, a nationally certified service dog. I trained to assist my former human with living by watching, following and alerting. My human’s condition gradually deteriorated until there was no hope for a continued life. Before death, my person asked K if there was a home for me with another family. That family is here with K and P.

I brought two others with me (Ollie and Woody). We adjusted to living without our person finding others here who comfort and reassure us with small acts of physical and emotional nurture.

I love it here; I have room to play frisbee, take long walks and my favourite thing-eat good food. I do have, however, food and environmental allergies which K keeps under good control.


The Sanctuary has a small feral colony including the following.

Black Mama

I am the matriarch to many who have come and gone. I remain outside by choice and even though elderly, I still catch mice when I want. My joints are a little stiff, I allow K to add medicine to my food. My heated cat house keeps me safe and warm for the winter. As I said, I chose the outside life in nature which makes me happy!


I am Black Mama’s great granddaughter. I am inside because K found me half frozen in a snowbank after a fall in a very cold winter. Now I have dental problems that need attention. Sometimes I think I want to be outside, however, the food is good and I have my cat friend Claudine. I still don’t like people although I tolerate K. Cheers!


I am Butterfly’s friend. I came to the Sanctuary when my human died. He let me live outside with the birds, bugs and flowers which I miss. With the mouth issues that have developed I need K to remedy them, therefore I am content with inside life. Besides, I love to eat and K feeds me lots!

PetKare Animal Sanctuary
PO Box 20027
N1H 0C4




The average medical costs range from between $ 150.00 to $ 300.00 for each animal per month. The exceptions are Minuet and Starblanket whose stories are above.We are grateful for your support.

For donations by e-transfer please send to


For credit card donations please click the Donate Here button to the right.

Thank you.


Karen Bentley (K)

Peter McIntyre (P)

We are grateful for your donation regardless of amount.
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving”  Mother Theresa

Registered charitable number 74082 3216 RR0001